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Wool / Yarn / Raw fleeces / Sheep skins

Due to the ever decreasing price I am paid for the fleeces that are sheared each year ( 2019 wool clip - 115kg = £30 payment half paid the year of shearing and the remaining paid when the British wool marketing board have sold it. Cost of shearing the flock approx. £200) I decided to have some of my 2020 shearling fleeces spun into knitting yarn by the Natural Fibre Company in Cornwall. I am incredibly lucky to be supported both in time and investment by one of my lovely lamb box customers. 


We had 16 fleeces spun into Aran weight yarn and have it available in 100g skeins so that it can be knitted/crocheted from the skein of undone to dye a colour of your choice. These are priced at £15 each and are available to purchase on our web shop on our Lydiard Turkeys (My main business page) Other Farm produce (


Also available to purchase are Lamb skins rugs which have been organically processed in Devon. Plus Raw oxford down fleeces for your own processing.



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